
The Keyhole Project - Voyage of Discovery

Keyhole Nebula (released 2002)                                  NASA / STScI Hubble
  All of what you will see here on this web site was inspired by a very remarkable flash of inspiration that happened to me one day in June 2002.  A calendar on our wall that featured the just released Hubble Space Telescope image of the Keyhole Nebula caught my attention from across the room.  For I saw what unmistakably appeared to me to be three faces.  I made sketches.  I looked closer and studied the photos carefully and discovered even more recognizable faces, figures and creatures.  Over a period of time the project became my obsession and I began to feel like the Richard Dreyfus character in Close Encounters of the Third Kind !  I ordered large prints and downloaded huge image files to help me in my search.  My research uncovered unexplainable astronomical phenomena in this region of space. And then someone turned me on to Stewart Elliot Guthrie's Faces in the Clouds, a most excellent book that dives deeply into man's instinctively primitive nature to anthropomorphize even heaven itself.  All of this has led to the creation of 18 oil paintings that offer a unique vision and a provocative perspective to the viewer.  I will ask the reader and the viewer, Why do we see what we see?  Why do we believe what we believe?  What do you see?  What do you believe?


J said...

I guess I am your first commenter, just so happens that I am a great admirer too! Not just cause we are who we are to each other but because I am totally proud and amazed at what you have done with this project. You have worked hard and learned so much with this project, not just about art but computer skills too, its amazing and you know I wish you all the best with this project.

Renee' (Florida) said...

This is VERY cool. I ALWAYS love the diverse brush strokes and texture Tim Malles uses in his work. Also, it must take an enormous amount of time and tolerance (of which many do not have!) to capture these images as he does. The contrasting colors and depthful interpretations are extremely perceptive. Great work Tim!